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13 October 2020 Collection Laurie Driesen

How we keep up!

In the recent years, Emerald’s growth has taken off and we are still growing. Even more, in these challenging times we are adapting to changing circumstances and creating new opportunities both online and offline. In the last few months, for example, we have introduced virtual tours of our showrooms, we offer more website experiences, and we have started several online design classes.

It’s no coincidence that “re-create nature
is our raison d’étre

Looking further back, over the past few years, we’ve built a well-known name and are seen as a real specialist. That’s because “quality” has always been our top priority. We also do as much as we can to stay as authentic as possible to fresh flowers and plants. It’s no coincidence that “re-create nature” is our raison d’étre . And of course we also pay close attention to the latest interior design trends when assembling our seasonal collections. 

“Nowadays, artificial flowers and plants are much more appreciated, you can see them everywhere,” says Hans van de Kerkhof, founder of Emerald. “We keep moving forward, looking for new possibilities, adding new items to our product range. But most of all working on our mission by adding a little splash of colour to every day.”

More to come
Be amazed at what you can accomplish! Coming-up shortly on our website.

Emerald Eternal Green BV - 2023 | General conditions (pdf)


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