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6 February 2020 Collection Laurie Driesen

Part 1 | Inspiration for 2020

Items so true to nature, that you have to feel it to believe it. That is the effect of the artificial flowers and -plants from Emerald.

The love for nature is in our genes!

Founder Hans van de Kerkhof is a florist by nature. In 1994 he shook up the world of artificial flowers and plants with Emerald. His mission? Making the world happier and more colorful with artificial flowers and plants that are indistinguishable from real.

More than 30 enthusiastic people now work at Emerald in Eindhoven. And our artificial flowers and plants find their way to companies throughout Europe every day. Five times a year we travel to the Far East to put together the new collections with the greatest of care. Every trip the bar is set a little higher. All our flowers and plants are crafted in detail, with attention to shape, colour-gradient, texture and trends. Curious what Emerald can do for you? Contact us directly via one of our flower-specialists via T +31 (0)40 259 0 359 or E


Emerald Eternal Green BV - 2023 | General conditions (pdf)


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