Give us a call +31 (0)40 259 0 359
13 January 2022 Collection Laurie Driesen

Catalogue for 2022

In our new product catalogue for 2022 you will find our complete year-round collection and inspiring images. Now available online in our webshop or in a exclusive printed glossy.

Our love of nature is reflected in every single product that we offer. It’s our passion to bring some added colour with our contemporary collection of artificial flowers and -plants, which are almost indistinguishable from the real thing. When creating our collections we’re inspired by mother nature, by the seasons, and by the latest interior trends. Together with our styling team, we look at all the different options. By working with different colours, shapes and materials, we can really bring the items to life.

Contact us for your copy. T +31 (0)40 259 0 359 | E

The story behind
Click on the video below and take a look behind the scenes during our shoot for 2022.

Emerald Eternal Green BV - 2023 | General conditions (pdf)


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