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20 December 2018 Inspiration beheerder

A look behind the scenes during our photoshoot

Be inspired! We create different creative pictures for our collections every year Our creative team creates different concepts for every photoshoot to make sure that we get te best results.

Sometimes it takes fifty try-outs before you get the right shot. The entire picture has to be perfect!

Loes Veltman – Marketing Manager

Did you know, for example, that it can take up to fifty try-outs before you create that one perfect image? Sometimes you have that one lucky shot but to create the perfect image we move items from left to right and vice versa, trying a different vase, styling the flowers, we hang paintings on the wall and remove them etc. etc… it’s all about the details! Click on the video below and watch how things are going on behind the scenes during our photoshoot.

Emerald Eternal Green BV - 2023 | General conditions (pdf)


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